Parent Day January 31

Parent Day January 31 Main Floor –  1:45- 2:45 pm or  3-4 pm. Upstairs –  1- 12:30-1:30 pm or 1:45-2:45 pm or  3-4 pm All students are welcome to attend, even if this is not their regular class time.  We ask that siblings do not attend. Notice: JavaScript is required Read more…

My child is starting Preschool / Junior Kindergarten, What do I need to know? 2024/2025

_______________________________________________________ Thank you for choosing TLC Preschool & Jr Kindergarten for your child’s education. We are excited to have your child join us in our classrooms. Parents steps before your child starts school: 1-Download the Esikids App. We use the EsiKidz App and software for communication, including texts, reminders and Read more…